Monday, December 18, 2006

Avoid foreclosure rescue scams

There are many foreclosure rescue scams making their way across America today. Reputable companies like are always trying to work with integrity, and do what's best for the homeowner.

Unfortunately, scams do exist nationwide. CNN Money has a good article with information on how to spot scams. If you are facing foreclosure, you can always visit to learn more about your options.


Home Equity Theft Reporter said...

These "foreclosure rescue" scams are going on all over the country.

For links to stories from around the country about people victimized by "foreclosure rescue" scams & other "home equity theft" scams, check out:

The Home Equity Theft Reporter at

For help for victims in seeking out low-cost (& possibly free) legal assistance, try:

ForeclosureFish said...

Hey Justin,

Just thought I'd stop by and say you've got some great information on your SaveMeFromForeclosure blog.

Keep up the good work for homeowners in foreclosure! Happy New Years!
