Thursday, August 31, 2006

Avoiding Foreclosure: five important steps

Peter G. Miller is the author of the Common-Sense Mortgage, and wrote a great article on the five most important steps to stopping foreclosure.

You can read the entire article by clicking here...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Massachusetts Foreclosure's increasing at a rapid pace

Foreclosures in Massachusetts continue to rise at an alarming pace. The data was provided by, and the full article can be read by clicking here.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Facing Foreclosure? Watch out for scams

When faced with foreclosure, there are many companies that will try and offer their services to you. If they tell you that you can stay in the home, they should be either refinancing you, or helping you negotiate a repayment plan with your existing lender.

If a company doesn't provide either of those solutions, but tells you that you can "stay in your home", be extremely wary of such companies.

This article about a poor homeowner in New Jersey was victim to a company that did just that.

Common Foreclosure causes

With foreclosures across the country on an increase, many people are curious to why foreclosure increase is so common.

In the following article, we see a very common set of causes: rising interest rates from ARMs adjusting, coupled with increased property taxes and insurance rates.

Click here to read the full article.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Chicago area foreclosures on the rise

Chicago area foreclosures increased by 60% from the 1st quarter of this year to the second quarter. To read more about the sharp rise in Chicago foreclosures, you can read the article here.

Stop Foreclosure: ideas from Marketwatch

With Foreclosures rising across America, Marketwatch provides some great advice on how to beat or stop a foreclosure in this article.

Friday, August 18, 2006

National Foreclosures increase 5% in July

Foreclosure still climbing, according to RealtyTrac. Click here to read the article.

Adjusting ARMs could result in Foreclosure increases

The hot housing boom and low interest rates went hand in hand over the past few years. As prices continued to climb, many borrowers were seduced into ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) loans, because of their lower initial payments.

Now many of those loans are beginning to come due, and homeowners are beginning to worry about their new, increased payments.

For a real life version of this very common event, read about this homeowner in North Carolina, who fears the rising payments could potentially lead to foreclosure.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Foreclosure Warnings from the BBB

The Better Business Bureau has some great tips for homeowners who are faced with foreclosure and are getting bombarded by offers from companies promising to help them save their home.

We encourage all homeowners who are facing the difficult task of a pending foreclosure to make sure that they're working with a reputable company, such as

Ro read the article and get some great tips from the Better Business Bureau in Northeastern Indiana please click here

Monday, August 14, 2006

Detroit Foreclosures: beware of scams

If you are faced with a foreclosure, but are now worried about whom to trust, make sure that you're working with a reputable company, such as

A lot of unethical companies are out there to scam homeowners, and read can more about such scams in the attached article

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Education BEFORE Foreclosure: home loan counseling

Hopefully you'll never be in a situation where a foreclosure on your home is pending. For a California non-profit, they hope to make sure by offering a free pre loan counseling workshop. Click here to read about the workshop, and the dates and times.

Stop Foreclosure in Indiana

Indiana homeowners have a chance to find out about stopping foreclosure by visiting and learning more about their options.

They can also learn more at a free seminar Aug. 12 sponsored by the housing authority called “Saving Our Neighborhoods.” For more information on this program, please click here to get all of the details.

California Foreclosure Activity sees largest rise in 14 years

It seems as though the softening real estate market across the state of California has lead to a rapid increase in foreclosure activity. For more click here to read the full article...